Sunday, May 3, 2009


"The best way to remember your gf's birthday is by forgetting it once."

- Hirumi

One night, some years ago


Teet.. Teet.. Teet..
The handphone was showing the reminder, its Katerinna's birthday. Not tomorrow. But today.

Hirumi: (Jaw gapping) Oh s***. Its her birthday today, and i'm yet to wish her.

Hirumi called her right away

Hirumi: Hey there, happy birthday Katerinna. Yeay.
Katerinna: Owh. Ok.
Hirumi: Hey come on. I just wished you and you should be joyful.
Katerinna: You forgot didn't you?

(Awkward silence..)

Hirumi: (Oh shit. She knows. Come on brain, think of something to say) Hey, how can i forget your birthday right. I purposely waited to wish you at the very last minute of your birthday. Haha. Isn't it cool?
Katerinna: No, you forgot. And you just remembered because your handphone was showing the reminder.
Hirumi: (OMG, I'm caught red-handed. I'm dead)

(Awkward silence again..)

Hirumi: Um. Katerinna, I am really sorry. I admit. Yes, I've forgotten your birthday and you saw it through. Now, how can I make it up to you?
Katerinna: Oh my. I already thought of something. =)
Hirumi: Oh, really? Haha. So, what do you want me to?


2 weeks later, hirumi was on diet because he just paid a freaking RM150 for a bed sheet set with a comforter from the infamous rip-off Aussino for Katerinna.

The Infamous Aussino

Poor him.

I'm glad he settled the problem though. And I'm sure Hirumi never forgets Katerinna's birthday ever again. He learned his lesson well.

P/s: Happy Belated Birthday Katerinna. Yeay.


imyahus said...

hirumi-kun n katerinna-chan?? hm... never mind... hapy belated bday katerinna from me.. eheh...poor mongue haha

Sop said...

woohooo, it's time to defile this place! yeah baby!!

btw happy bday, kat.

amru said...

mon hopeless, useless, senseless haha

mongue said...

imyahus - hey, its hirumi. not mongue. read dimwit.

sop - pwease baby. this is a sacred place where only good people should be in. defile is a no no. haha

amru - likewise. haha.

Jamil said...

dude, jump on the bandwagon. we need all the bloggers we can get.

update, dammit!!!

aw3rz said...


aku tak tau nak komen pe.sebab tak caye ni ko.

pulasan007 said...

oh my....

apos said...


leh menyebabkan satu dunia panik...

mongue said...

jamil - update, i will. patience young man

aw3rz - ni mongue la. wtf

apos - ko nak mencarut ke atau ko nak cakap pasal selesema babi?

hah. susah ada blog ni. high maintenance.