"I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm everything you ever were afraid of."
- It, 1990
Yes, you were my nightmares in the past. "It" 1990
One gloomy night..
The full moon covered by hazy clouds dimmed the sky. It was a strange quiet night.
There was no one at the nurse's counter. Earlier, the nurses flocked the pantry while making themselves busy with the gossiping. Hirumi was sitting there, alone, his mind focused on the obstetrics textbook.
Krinnngg.. Krinnngg..
The phone rang. There is an LED lit up numbers on the phone. It showed 17.
Hirumi looked to his sides. No one was there. He picked up the phone but no answer from the other line. Hurm. Strange, he thought.
Kriinngg.. Krinngg..
The phone rang again. Number 17 again.
Hirumi was puzzled. What are the numbers for? It surely does not look like a phone number.
He reluctantly picked up the phone. Again, there was no answer.
Hirumi was pissed.
One nurse came.
Nurse-san: I heard the phone rang. Did somebody called?
Hirumi: Oh. Yes. The phone did ring. But there was no one at the other line.
Nurse-san: Is there any number shown?
Hirumi: Yes. It was 17.
Nurse-san: Oh. Really?
The nurse sat down, skimmed the chart.
Hirumi: Nurse-san, what's the number for?
Nurse-san: Oh, its the delivery room number. When a patient push the alert button by the bed, the phone here rings and it shows the room number.
Hirumi: Oh. I thought there's only 12 rooms here?
Nurse-san: Exactly.
Hirumi: (Shit)